Practical Midwifery Skills

Practical Midwifery Skills Taster Workshop is an amazing opportunity for aspiring midwives to come along into a safe, relaxed space where you can explore some of the practical aspects of being a midwife.
The workshop is delivered by an experienced doula and practicing midwife.
You will have the opportunity to practice using equipment, observe and practice key midwifery skills as well as ask questions. You will also have networking time to connect with other aspiring midwives on a similar journey to you.
The day is action packed and the feedback has been amazing. The workshop is appropriate for any age from 14+. If you would like this workshop brought to your school of 6th form then please Contact me for more details about this.

The day is action packed beginning at 9.30am and finishing at 5.30pm.
The session will cover:
* Core Principles for the role of the midwife.
* Pregnancy and Birth observations/discussions and delivery of baby -
doppler, palpation, pinard, fundal measurement and vaginal examination.
* Clinical Assessment and observations for Antenatal and Postnatal -
Blood pressure, urine, pulse, respiration, temps , oxygen and record keeping.
* Real Live Placenta assessment
* Newborn Assessment
* Alcohol Misuse Assessment Practical
* Supporting Water Birth
* Self-Care
* Becoming a Student

Wonderful insight into the reality of midwifery that some people dont see until day 1 of the training - really great day and would love to have stayed longer.
Absolutely loved today, It's only amplified my passion and yearning to pursue this career. Katy and Bea are awesome. x
Brilliant day, i am so excited to start uni application after all the tasters and conversations today. Spending time with other aspiring midwives has been amazing!
Delegates from the June 2021 Workshop.