
Your Birth Matters….. you maybe feeling worried, stressed or anxious about giving birth and becoming a parent. You may not really know what is expected to happen during labour?
Whether this is your first, second, third or fourth baby you have made a good choice in looking at your birth preparation options. Hypnobirthing is about Instinctive birthing, this means you using your own instincts to feel and know what is right for you birthing your baby. Do you trust your instincts?
Childbirth doesn’t have to be a fearful, stressful, painful or anxious time. It can be a time where you feel relaxed, calm, prepared, supported, in control and in some cases pain free. In control I hear you say……. hypnobirthing doesn’t promise a natural delivery but in a high percentage of births it does contribute as a factor to a natural delivery. No matter what circumstances arise during your birth, hypnobirthing can complement your experience of a more comfortable, calm positive birth.
What is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is a complete birth education programme, which will prepare your mind and give you the tools to focus on a relaxed positive birth experience. The elements are;
Self Hypnosis
Within the classes you and your birth partner are invited to prepare for your desired birth whilst teaching you the art of using your own natural birthing instincts. You will always be aware and fully in control, but profoundly relaxed through the various activities we do.
Women have said their ideal positive birth is to be informed and empowered ~ my sessions will give you this. I cant tell you how your birth will be but using hypnobirthing you can certainly feel calm and relaxed within your birthing journey. Feel empowered to birth your way.
⭐️ Hypnobirthing is for ALL women, ALL families, for ALL types of birth
⭐️ Births journey can lead down any road, sometimes a road that’s brighter than one we had visualised and sometimes a road that was unexpected with many bumps. However..... Hypnobirthing enables you to remain positive, relaxed and calm through whatever path your journey takes
⭐️ It arms you with a LOT of useful information so that you can make informed choices. Choices that are right for YOU and your family. It gives you confidence in your ability to birth your baby. Whether that be abdominally or vaginally. It gives you practical, physical & emotional tools to use throughout pregnancy, labour, birth & all the way through to parenthood
⭐️It removes any fears or anxieties you may be holding onto from the past or in the present. It brings you closer together with your partner & helps you bond with your baby.
⭐️It creates space for a positive, empowering and happy birth experience no matter where or how you birth your baby
⭐️Regardless of your circumstances, who you are, your situation, where you choose to birth, how you choose to birth, Hypnobirthing will make the most incredible difference to your journey.

As part of the course you will receive your own hypnobirthing book, two Relaxation Tracks, a folder with all handouts. We will set up a whatsapp chat so that I can send you links and videos in between the sessions to help support you on your hypnobirthing journey. I will always be there for you should you require more personalised support.
To view the course content, click here!
You can also sign up for my free positive birth toolkit below!
I also offer one to one full course in your own home.
Hypnobirthing Course Options