We are so happy to have these materials available for you as part of our extended learning with E-learning modules for birth workers, doulas and aspiring & student midwives. Course that are currently available are below - click on the course to register - you will have access to all available courses: New courses will be added throughout so please continue to access the sessions here and check for new updated content.
You can access to course online via desktop, laptop or phone. you can download the EdApp to complete the courses on your phone. Being online will help with access to links.
Courses with ** have been provided by a 3rd party provider. Please let me know if there are any links that are not working here
We are always upgrading the course content and adding new courses.
To access these e-learning modules is £35 per learning set - So choose which learning set you want to begin with.
Step 1 - Make your payment on PayPal
Step 2 - Click on one of the course links below and register - Access of your enrollment is activated the Monday following payment and Registration.
Step 3 - Log in and learn - all courses issue a certificate of completion at the end.
Each e-learning set will give you 30 hours of CPD.