Be Ready
Be Remarkable
‘Be Ready, Be Remarkable’ is a course and support program for Aspiring Student Midwives who really want to acknowledge their remarkableness, as well as the admissions and interviewing tutors really seeing they are ready for this.
I know you didn’t expect it to be this hard. You are sooo passionate about supporting women and you know you will be an amazing midwife and this is all you see yourself doing – you want to put yourself across well – as well as having all your offers on the table, yes?
Sometimes you feel deflated by it all – the personal statement, whilst studying, and preparing for interviews whilst trying to keep up to date on the current midwifery news yes?
You’ve got Facebook, Instagram, twitter, and you are even on numerous midwifery related groups somewhere on fb, where there is just so much information creating so many questions.
"Just be yourself" – is a phrase often said in a lot of these groups, and whilst this is true, how are you your true self when you are battling with all the negative things about yourself, surely the interview process can be enjoyable yes? Well I believe it can be, I mean as much as you are supportive of the people around you who have also applied, you know they are your competition too.
You hear it. You get it. But something stops you – things that you don’t even know exists are stopping you being the real true you because doubt, low self-esteem, worry and negative trails of thought are dragging and draining your positive energy – and don’t even get me started on whether you are introvert or extrovert – the battle just goes on yes? Even more so with this occurrence of "Imposter Syndrome" cropping up.
The continual downward drag of whether you will be good enough, or whether you can pass Maths and English, or how struggling with the mummy guilt situations. Yes you post in the groups you are in – you post in search for answers that you hope others can give you – but the only problem with this is they are not you; they are not your life. Sometimes too much of your time is spent posting and scrolling for nothing but more disappointing answers - that just do not match you.

You see other people’s posts of achievements – passing GCSE, passing access course, getting interviews and getting offered their places and your thinking to yourself - yes I want a piece of that. But the only way that is achieved is by adapting the way you think about yourself and what you desire. Stay with me here in case you’re thinking, what is she waffling on about.
What if……. within with a month you could feel more confident about applying for the job of your dreams. I am writing this the job of your dreams because more often than not its passion for this work that is bringing you here right. Imagine being more clear about what to say and how to say it in your personal statement and within your interview.
What if you stopped channeling (wasting) so much time worrying and comparing yourself to others and you truly believed that this is 100% possible for you?
Imagine being comfortable being ready, ready to give midwifery your best, not just through the words on your personal statement and the reference that is about you (which you have no control over) but your true view, words and persona? What are the interviewing tutors noticing about you? Are you the one they want, do they notice that you are the one they want to offer a place too?
I’ve been jotting ideas down for this program for a while, I thought I might do a video course, then an online secure group, then an online interactive day workshop. It’s not really how I like to work. I like to be interactive and connect with people – so decided I will merge all of them by doing the online support group with the set tasks, with regular weekly live videos and also the opportunity to do a face to face day, with a few peers for support and 100% building ourselves up.
A positive thing from this pandemic has been getting comfortable working remotely with video call tech as well as my creative side growing so rapidly, and my notes began progressing and developing this 4 week supportive program that will get you ready and being remarkable. Say it to yourself “I am ready, I am remarkable” – how does that feel pretty awesome yes?
You’ve got to acknowledge your remarkableness in order to be ready. After some recent feedback from my Self Emergence workshop – I knew I had to get this ready for October. The first program roll out with a group of aspiring student midwives submitting applications whilst continuing their studies and working, was an absolute please to take them on this journey.
I know that right now is when my fellow aspiring student midwives need this support the most. You need to acknowledge this total awesomeness now, you need to know it yourself before expecting others to see it. You want to come out of this lock down, applying for university more ready than ever.
As someone who has had the same fears as you, fear of judgement, fear of saying it wrong, fear annoying people, fear of offending people, fear of being yourself. I really know these things can be overcome. You CAN get more comfortable being present at your interview. I am not saying that you will have a picture perfect interview – but what I am saying is that you will go in ready, you will have excitement and joy at being present and being within the space ready to show why you are the right person for a place at university, whether you are online or face to face.

So who am I? I am Katy Hemus, currently a doula, hypnobirthing teacher, who over the last 6 years has developed Every Birth Matters. Previous to this I have been working in the voluntary sector training and supervising and mentoring volunteers and supporting vulnerable families to overcome their stresses in some very delicate situations over the last 14 years. I have had to go back to college to do my GCSE English and Maths and I did an online access course as I was working and have 5 children at home. I like many of you have and will go through the process of applying to university for your dream career of being a midwife. I will use all my skills and knowledge to help support you on your application journey. I am very passionate about supporting you all on your journey. You decide what your journey consists of, what do you want it to look like?

During this program I will guide you step by step how to be ready in your confidence in knowing that you are ready and leave you with new thoughts about yourself, ready for interview and university.
So what does this involve?
Other than being amazingly committed to this there will be:
Group Starting Monday 31st October 2022 and this will be over 4 weeks there will be:
3 weekly challenges for you to put into action in preparation for personal statement/interview/university
Weekly 1 hour zoom call - this will be on a Wednesday evening 8pm.
A closed facebook group will be our hangout space, where support will be offered over 6 weeks in total
Extra live videos, information and loving support to you all and lots of belief in you and that you can do this.
All for the investment of only £99
If you already know you want in, click buy tickets. If you want to find out more keep on reading…
I’m sorry to tell you, but you are influenced by poor values, beliefs and negative vibrations around you that do not serve you. For some reason we pay more attention to these things more than we ever should. I will guide you, get to know you and encourage you to be present more than ever before. We have no room to be looking back, we have no place fearing what we don’t know or understand of the future – So let me help you restore you being present and ready for your interview into midwifery.
Ready to book!
We will cover:
Week 1: You and Your story
You being you is what makes you unique. We will explore what is happening for you currently, how you view yourself and how others view you too. Why are you embarking on this journey and how ready do you feel.
Week 2: Recognising your true self
It is so important to spend sometime looking inwards at the real you not the one your think you are – making some adjustments to these views and understanding why they might need amending slightly. Honestly there is a whole lot of you that perhaps you haven’t met yet – well you soon will.
Week 3: Connecting confidence
Understanding confidence and how we connect to this is so important, belief is a wonderful tool to have and believing you have confidence is all you really need, so knowing how to apply this will help you walk into that interview as a confident aspiring midwife.
Week 4: Interview time and being the best you.
Yes interview time – we will be exploring circumstances you might find yourself in an interview – this will include some practice skills and how you can best apply yourself to the interview. This is your time to shine.
Of course with this being a live course we will cover what you all need at the time. Questions can be asked and content will be shared. If I know it, I’ll share it.
To book your spot, click book now
All for the investment of only £99
Questions that you might have…
How much time will I need?
I know we are busy right now with access course, GCSE or busy filling in your UCAS form ready for September or even the personal statement so I’ve designed this program to take this into account. You’ll need to be available for our weekly group call. (Wednesday evenings 8pm starting on the 2nd November) If you’ve still got small people around, feel free to just mute yourself.
In addition to that 30-60 minutes at least 3 times a week is a good amount of time to work on your remarkableness and being ready. If you got more than that, fab! I would also state that somethings we look at will be life changing so you’ll be doing stuff without needing to allocate masses of time as it will become second nature.
I am a long way of applying, perhaps 2024+
This will be perfect. Yes you’re not bothered about getting a place now , but your changing the way you think about things forever and so this will give you more time to make those changes. Don’t let things go stagnant. Use this time to build your remarkableness, make new habits and build relationships, ready to hit the ground running with your application.
I’m really not sure I could be one of those people who put’s myself out there?
Being present doesn’t mean sharing your inner most secrets. It means letting your real remarkableness show and you knowing just how awesome you are. It’s really important that you realise and know your true potential and how you can use this to your advantage at interview.
Is it all delivered on Facebook?.
The group will be on Facebook, so you will need to use this platform for the sessions and you will always be able to go over the content at any point.
I’ve done programs like this before and I do feel pretty good about myself, will it be pointless doing this program?
There’s nothing like a bit of accountability and team spirit to get taking things even further!! I think there is always room for progression and realignment of our lives. So do feel free to join us no matter where you’re at.
Do you offer one to one?
Yes I can offer one to one, if this is something you would prefer. This would be tailored to meet you specifically. So think of it as you writing your own program of what you want to strengthen. Please contact me about this. Fees may differ.
All for the investment of only £99
Refund Policy:
Your right to cancel and this course is non refundable. You may be able to transfer onto another course depending on availability.
If you are a aspiring student midwife you would like to know more please do email me. However for booking please click book now to be taken to the booking page.