Every Birth Matters baby massage course enables new parents to feel supported and empowered in their new parenting role. Over the sessions we build up a variety of rhythmic strokes carefully designed to soothe and calm young babies with the use of organic sunflower oil.
Baby massage is entirely baby led and we follow the babies’ cues to ensure it is an enjoyable experience for you and your baby.
I know becoming a new parent can be overwhelming and often isolating so this one to one service in your own home is relaxing. I have done baby massage with all of my children and I have loved every minute of being able to just be with them, benefiting their health and well being. If your baby needs to take a break for a feed or a cuddle, your baby’s needs are always the first priority. In each of the sessions we spend time learning baby massage; using songs and rhymes, as well as understanding the benefits of the massage techniques we are using.

There are so many benefits to baby massage, here are a few.
For baby:
• Develops a feeling of being loved, respected and secure
• Can alleviate trapped wind, soothe colic and alleviate constipation
• Promotes relaxation and aids sleep
• Gum massage through the skin may ease the pain of teething
• Teaches positive loving touch
• Develops body, mind, awareness and coordination
• Strengthens and tones muscles.
• Offers skin to skin bonding
For you:
• Excellent way to connect with your baby
• Gives parents practical tools to soothe baby
• Can alleviate effects of postnatal depression
• Helps parents to understand their baby’s cues
• Promotes relaxation and natural nurturing instinct
• Offers skin to skin bonding
The one to one course is 4 x 50 minute sessions, in your own home and are arranged flexibly to suit you, your partner and baby.
They are suitable from 4 weeks-6 months old. Infant massage can be used from birth and on into the Early Years. Although the techniques can be used with older babies and toddlers the above is usually typical of an infant massage class or session.
If both parents want to join in with the massage you can, the ideal thing about this course is that it is in your home, so both parents can join in.
Four sessions = £75
Baby Massage Booklet,
Bottle of oil,
There will be follow up emails to the sessions we do, these will give you further hints, tips and explanations about Baby Massage and its importance.