Aspiring Student Midwife Preparation Course
Welcome to Every Birth Matters Aspiring Midwife Preparation Course.
This course is for any aspiring midwife at any stage of their journey that would like to spend some time expanding their knowledge of supporting pregnant people through their maternity experience. This amazing preparation course will give you a foundation to begin your understanding and get you to think about different aspects of maternity. Learning key values and reflecting, we will have lots of discussion on a range of topics that can come up through interview process.
I have worked within family support and teaching adults for the past 15 years as well as being a doula and hypnobirthing practitioner for last 5 years. I like many of you have re-sat my GCSEs and completed an access course and I have received my offers for university and having this experience and knowledge I feel has given me a wonderful insight into the world of maternity and what to expect, which I want to now share with you.
The course is completed from the comfort of your own home. You will work through the preparation materials and then you will attend the one day online workshop to help explore and consolidate your learning. The online workshop is done as whole group allowing time for discussions, questions, tasks and reflections. We will cover a range of topics over the workshop day which will underpin your desires to become a midwife and prepare you for what is ahead.
The topics we will be covering are:
- The role of a midwife
- Physiology of normal birth and labour
- The role of Hormones
- Birth environment & Water Birth
- Interventions
- Communication and language
- Equality and Inclusive practice
- Birth wishes and supporting choice
- Personal skills and preparation
- Bringing my confidence forward
- Plus open discussion and question time.

After the 1 day workshop you will be asked to write up a reflective journal, this will help you start to think about being reflective practice as this is important within midwifery.
There are a number of resources that will be available for delegates only and these are accessible via your own private member log in through this website.
What else will I have access to?
* Compact electronic resource file
* Online videos
* Links to various websites to support your knowledge
* Access to midwifery e-books
* Special vouchers of various student midwifery providers such as PlanrDesigns and Mama Vs plus more
* Plus much more
I want to support you in your journey,as well as feel prepared for your midwifery journey ahead. At the end of completing the course you will receive and Every Birth Matters Certificate of Completion listing all the topics you have achieved.
The best thing is you can list this course and the modules we cover on your UCAS form when applying to university. Many Students who have attended this session have talked about this course in their interviews.
So if you have any questions at all please do contact me.
Course Cost
Next online live Workshop dates:
Course : Sunday 26th November 2023
9.30am - 4pm
***Places are limited - 8 to each workshop***
Professional Teaching Code of Practice

I would like to thank you from aspiring midwives such as myself for this amazing opportunity to confirm our career choices and expand our knowledge further on something we are passionate about. You are friendly and instantly make everyone taking part feel comfortable and calm and that we are all included. You made sure we all had the opportunity to speak and feel comfortable to ask anything we would like to know. I came away with so much knowledge on topics I had not even thought to look up. You go above and beyond to support people and offer your help. After taking part in this course I feel I can confirm that midwifery is in fact something I want to carry on with, this has given me the confidence and knowledge to hopefully secure my place at university. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to work towards becoming a student midwife.
Laura - Aspiring Student Midwife - August 2020