Aspiring Midwives Society

Welcome to Aspiring Midwives Society,
There is a lot going on here at EBM HQ aka me in my miniature office where my brain cells expand and projects are created.
Firstly to confirm this is for all aspiring midwives, student midwives and midwives in their pre-ceptorship year too.
The ideas behind the creation of the Aspiring Midwives Society is that as we believe Every Birth Matters, we feel exactly the same if not even more passionate that as student midwives we matter, as aspiring midwives we matter and the new qualified midwives matter too. Born through lockdown of Covid-19 and my passion of midwifery Student Midwives Matter is about providing support and education to people who want to strengthen their application for university, their confidence in themselves and when practicing as a student and to be the best midwife they can be for the people you will support. .
Its probably no surprise to you (or maybe it is) that there is a massive shortage of midwives in the UK. The amount that leave the profession to every 30 new midwives that are trained is reported to be 29 - which leaves the profession with a massive shortage. There are also continuous talks and conversations about being mistreated as students, being bullied as well as being at point of burnout.
There are various options available to you all here so please do explore and find what your looking for.
Aspiring Midwife
A range of courses and learning opportunities for you to build knowledge and confidence.

Aspiring Midwife Mentoring
Being supported in a group or on a one to one basis through applying and extended learning.

Supporting Aspiring Midwives
Supporting you on you midwifery journey, building a network of peer support.